Ghent University

Postdoc Bursaal - Vakgroep Geologie

2024-09-20 (Europe/Brussels)
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Ghent University is one of the top 100 universities in the Dutch language area, with more than 44,000 students and 15,000 staff members.

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Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum Sep 20, 2024 00:00

Vakgroep/directie/dienst WE13 - Vakgroep Geologie

Type contract Contract van bepaalde duur

Diploma PhD in Science or Engineering Science, on a topic related to fluid flow in porous media

Bezettingsgraad 100%

Vacature type Overig academisch personeel


You will perform cutting-edge scientific research in the context of the ERC Starting Grant “FLOWSCOPY: Unravelling unsteady fluid flows in porous media with 3D X-ray micro-velocimetry”. Fluid flows in porous materials are a widespread phenomenon, just think of groundwater flow in the subsurface. The behavior of the flow on the large scale, for example how a pollutant spreads in a soil after an environmental disaster, is controlled by how fluids work their way through a maze of minuscule, interconnected pores in the material. Such flows involve complex fluid physics that are currently far from being fully understood. However, there is a major challenge to study this: how do you measure fluid flow in minuscule pores inside a material? In this project, new techniques will be developed to solve this using high-resolution X-ray CT, based on principles used in hospitals to image patients, but at a hundred times higher resolution. By introducing specially designed particles into the flow and tracking their motion with new computer algorithms, we will be able to measure fluid flows that are representative of realistic processes in the subsurface, leading to better models of groundwater flows, and of how CO2 and hydrogen can be stored in porous rock layers in the subsurface. Your task will be to develop new algorithms to reconstruct dynamic computed tomography images (4D micro-CT) of fluid flow in porous materials, based on iterative tomographic inversion. The goal is to break through the current limitations of micro-CT with respect to measuring dynamics, notably the strict trade-off between its resolutions in time and space. You will be responsible to set up the software environment (including HPC aspects) and to develop and validate the algorithms. You will collaborate closely with a PhD student on the computational side of the project, and 3 other researchers running experiments and simulations (in addition to the supervisor).

Your task in this project is develop new experiments to study the physics of fluid flows in porous materials. Specifically, you will investigate two-phase flow (e.g. simultaneous flow of water and air) and/or viscoelastic flow (flows of liquids that change their viscosity depending on the flow). You will work on improving all aspects of the experimental work flow, using novel 3D X-ray imaging techniques.


Job profile:

  • You hold a doctoral degree or a diploma or certificate recognized as equivalent by law or in application of the guidelines of the European Union or a bilateral agreement.
  • In exceptional circumstances and based on detailed scientific justification, researchers who do not hold such a degree may also be considered, provided they have demonstrated exceptional scientific merit.
  • Exceptonal scientific merit is defined as having excelled in scientific research and publications at a level at least equivalent to a doctoral degree.
  • The grant can only be awarded within the framework of international scientific mobility. This is the case if:
    • the researcher has resided abroad for at least 24 months out of the 3 years prior to the start date of the postdoctoral fellowship and has not worked or studied in Belgium during that period. However, short-term stays in Belgium are allowed during 24 months, such as holidays, participation in conferences or a short stay to prepare for the period as a postdoctoral researcher
    • the researcher is funded by the Marie- Sklodovska-Curie Action (MSCA) and thus meets the associated mobility conditions.
    • Only for postdoctoral researchers in international mobility
  • You are a keen experimentalist who likes lab work and who likes to build new set-ups.
  • You have at least basic programming skills in Python/Matlab or other programming languages.
  • Experience with fluid dynamics, imaging or porous media is a plus.
  • You have strong analytical and critical thinking skills, enabling you to design new experiments in function of theoretical questions.
  • You have an excellent academic track record and an excellent command of the English language.
  • You are a team player with excellent scientific and interpersonal communication skills.


  • We offer a full time positions as a postdoctoral fellow, with a minimum period of 24 months, which can be extended twice taking into account the maximum period of 36 months.
  • In deviation the above, an EEA national, who has previously received a postdoctoral grant in the 12 months prior to an MSCA grant, can exceed the maximum term of 36 months under this MSCA grant provided that the entire term does not exceed 48 months.
  • Your contract will start on December 1st, 2024, at the earliest.
  • The grant amount is equal to the net salary of a doctoral assistant (AAP 5) with the same level of education and seniority and based on the same family situation as the doctoral assistant. The supervisor may deviate from this and assign a higher level based on acquired experience, professional career and demonstrated competences. The grant amount will not be revised in the current year except in case of indexation. Click here for more information about our salary scales
  • All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits (in Dutch).


Send your CV, copy of your diploma (if already in your possession) and a motivation letter to, with email subject “Application FLOWSCOPY PD1”, before the submission deadline indicated above.
We do not accept late applications.
For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Tom Bultreys (

Informatie over de vacature

Postdoc Bursaal - Vakgroep Geologie
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33 Gent, België
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2024-09-20 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-09-20 23:59 (CET)
Soort functie
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Please send your application to

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Ghent University is one of the top 100 universities in the Dutch language area, with more than 44,000 students and 15,000 staff members.

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