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Be a part of the dynamic performance modelling team in imec’s center of excellence for hardware-software-technology co-design for future compute systems.
Compute System Architecture (CSA) is a center of excellence at imec for hardware-software-technology co-design for future compute systems. CSA is currently present at two imec sites – Leuven, Belgium and Cambridge, United Kingdom. This position is offered at CSA UK, based in Cambridge.
As a Performance Modelling Engineer in CSA, you will lead efforts in the design, development, validation, and analysis of performance models for high-performance compute and memory systems. You will work closely with architects, software, and process technology teams to simulate and evaluate system level performance and power. You will drive system and component level modelling of proposed architectures, analyse results and validate models with our performance analysis team, work with software teams to map and simulate software workloads on the platforms, work with technology teams to develop and deploy power and performance models, profile simulator performance and scalability, and take an active part in gathering and analysing data to present the results from the performance modelling platforms.
This role combines research, engineering, hardware modelling, performance analysis, and you will work with colleagues and other stakeholders with a strong background in one or more of these areas. The role involves working with open-source and/or in-house performance and power modelling tools, with a strong insight into the intended hardware design, so that you can ensure that the development of models meet the needs of current and future hardware. During the first few years of your time with CSA UK, you will have the opportunity to be an ARIA R&D Creator as a part of our ongoing project in the ARIA Scaling Compute programme.
We offer you the opportunity to join one of the world’s premier research centers in nanotechnology at our office in Cambridge, UK. With your talent, passion and expertise, you’ll become part of a team that makes the impossible possible. Together, we shape the technology that will determine the society of tomorrow.
We are committed to being an inclusive employer and proud of our open, multicultural, and informal working environment with ample possibilities to take initiative and show responsibility. We commit to supporting and guiding you in this process; not only with words but also with tangible actions. Through, 'our corporate university', we actively invest in your development to further your technical and personal growth.
We are aware that your valuable contribution makes imec a top player in its field. Your energy and commitment are therefore appreciated by means of a market appropriate salary with many fringe benefits.
De combinatie van onze voortrekkersrol in microchiptechnologie en onze software- en ICT-expertise maakt ons uniek.
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