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About UM6P:
Located at the heart of the future Green City of Benguerir, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), a higher education institution with an international standard, is established to serve Morocco and the African continent. Its vision is honed around research and innovation at the service of education and development. This unique nascent university, with its state-of-the-art campus and infrastructure, has woven a sound academic and research network, and its recruitment process is seeking high-quality academics and professionals to boost its quality-oriented research environment in the metropolitan area of Marrakech.
About MSN department:
The Department of Materials Science, Energy, and nano-Engineering (MSN) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco has been in operation for 4 years and during that time expanded quite substantially. The number of employees is around 42, including 13 professors, 24 guest professors, 15 post-Doctoral fellows, 40 PhD students, and 52 Executive Master students. The department is organized in 4 Scientific Areas: Energy (batteries and hydrogen), Polymers and Composite Materials, Surface Science, and Sustainable Materials and Re-cycling.
Description of the position and duties:
MSN-UM6P is currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral position in the development of next-generation electrodes and electrocatalyst materials for Hydrogen production via water electrolysis. The focus will be on designing materials that prioritize low cost, high efficiency, scalability, and a minimal carbon footprint. Selected and optimized materials will be integrated into real systems at the lab scale. A key objective is to develop efficient, noble-metal-free electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER).
Position Requirements
- A Ph.D. in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or a related discipline completed within the last 5 years.
- Strong background in electrochemistry, electrosynthesis and materials science.
- Excellent skills and understanding in physical-chemistry of materials
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, to set priorities to accomplish multiple tasks within deadlines, and adapt to ever changing needs
Application and selection
The application must include the following:
A cover letter outlining the candidate's motivation for this job profile.
Detailed curriculum vitae.
Brief research statement.
Two letters of reference with contact information of referees.
The selection process ends once the candidates are selected.
Start of contract:
As soon as possible.
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.
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