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About the SnT
The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character.
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services.
We play an instrumental role in Europe by fueling innovation through research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and attracting highly qualified talent. We look for researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to contribute to our projects in areas such as: Network Security, Information Assurance, Model-driven Security, Cloud Computing, Cryptography, Satellite Systems, Vehicular Networks, and ICT Services & Applications.
Your role
The successful candidate will join the SIGCOM Research Group, led by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. Additionally, this industrial project will be conducted in partnership with the Odysseus Space company as part of the Simulator development for the optical slant path program.
This PhD project aims to develop an analysis tool for the optical ground-to-satellite links and vice versa. In this context, key performance indicators of various modulation types will be analyzed considering the variations in the zenith angle and the atmospheric conditions. The project aims to develop a simulator to combine all the analyses.
The position holder will be required to perform the following tasks:
For further information, please contact Dr. Mert Bayraktar
Your profile
The candidate should possess a MSc. Degree or equivalent in Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields.
Experience: The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in a number of the following topics:
Strong analytical and programming skills are required (Python, Matlab, and C/C++). Prior proven experience in data-driven innovation projects is an asset as well as having prior research publications in high-ranking journals or in international conference proceedings. Most importantly, you should be curiosity driven and willing to constantly learn new things!
Language Skills: Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English are required.
We offer
How to apply
Applications should include:
Early application is highly encouraged, as the applications will be processed upon reception. Please apply ONLINE formally through the HR system. Applications by Email will not be considered.
All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. In line with our values, the University of Luxembourg promotes an inclusive culture. We encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds and are dedicated to upholding equality and respect for our employees and students.
General information:
The yearly gross salary for every PhD at the UL is EUR 40952 (full time).
The University of Luxembourg, a small-sized institution with an international reach, aims at excellence in research and education.
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