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Université catholique de Louvain

Post-doc position in cell biology and nutrition

2025-04-01 (Europe/Brussels)
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Over de werkgever

The Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) is internationally recognized for research and teaching quality in many different fields of expert...

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Offer Description

We are seeking a highly motivated junior postdoctoral associate to conduct research in a starting project entitled: “Development of natural nutritional ingredients effective against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)”

The project is part of a collaborative proposal of the “WAGRALIM” pole funded by the Wallonia Region and led by “Ortis” company. The main aim of the project is to develop a natural solution (validated in vitro and in vivo in animal models) capable of preventing liver disorder (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseases or MASLD, the new name of NAFLD) and preventing or slowing its progression to advanced or even irreversible stages. This solution would contain plant extracts already well studied and used by the industrial partners, but for purposes other than MASLD, and/or unknown plant extracts not yet exploited by them, but for which pre-clinical and clinical trials reported in the literature have proved very encouraging. The mechanisms of action will be studied to propose more effective combinations of natural products.The project is part of a collaborative proposal of the “WAGRALIM” pole funded by the Wallonia Region and led by “Ortis” company. The main aim of the project is to develop a natural solution (validated in vitro and in vivo in animal models) capable of preventing liver disorder (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseases or MASLD, the new name of NAFLD) and preventing or slowing its progression to advanced or even irreversible stages. This solution would contain plant extracts already well studied and used by the industrial partners, but for purposes other than MASLD, and/or unknown plant extracts not yet exploited by them, but for which pre-clinical and clinical trials reported in the literature have proved very encouraging. The mechanisms of action will be studied to propose more effective combinations of natural products.

Where to apply



Research Field Medical sciences » Health sciences

Education Level PhD or equivalent


You hold a PhD for less than 5 years in the field of nutrition, biochemistry, cell biology, animal physiology or related fields and will have experimental expertise in one of these disciplines. 

You have a good knowledge in cell biology, cell signaling, obesity in vitro and/or mouse models, and expertise with acquisition and analysis of -omics data.

Specific Requirements

You have skills in bioinformatics

You are the first author of publications in peer-reviewed journals in fields related to the demand.

You are a self-motivated, audacious, creative and tenacious researcher. 

You have strong communication skills; able to work independently. You demonstrate a strong commitment to team-based work with strong organization skills as you will work directly with technicians and the actors of the research program, and you research activity will span over two university campuses (UNamur and UCLouvain-Brussels).

Languages ENGLISH

Level Excellent

Languages FRENCH

Level Basic

Research Field Medical sciences » Health sciences Biological sciences » Nutritional sciences Pharmacological sciences » Toxicology

Years of Research Experience 4 - 10

Internal Application form(s) needed

Post-Doc position-Draft HEPATANT.pdf
(159.4 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


3 years full time salary with social security coverage. 

The candidate and the project will benefit from the rich scientific environment of 2 universities and 2 dynamic research institutes (IREC and Narilis) and thereby have access to highly supportive technical core facilities.

Selection process

The selection process for hiring a postdoctoral scientist will involve a thorough review of all applications by a dedicated commission. Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be excluded. Eligible applications will then be ranked, and the top 10 candidates will be invited to participate in remote interviews. Following these interviews, the top three candidates will be selected for an in-person meeting with the promotors, providing an opportunity for a more detailed evaluation of their qualifications and fit for the position

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available 1

Company/Institute UNamur, NAmur Research Institute for LIfe Sciences (Narilis)

Country Belgium

State/Province Namur

City Namur

Postal Code 5000

Street Rue de Bruxelles 61

Number of offers available 1

Company/Institute UCLouvain, Institute for experimental and clinical research

Country Belgium

City Brussels

Postal Code 1200

Street avenue Emmanuel Mounier 52


City Brussels


Street avenue Emmanuel Mounier 52, Box B1.52.01

Postal Code 1200


Phone 0495796436

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Informatie over de vacature

Post-doc position in cell biology and nutrition
Place de l'Université 1 Louvain-la-Neuve, België
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2025-04-01 09:00 (Europe/Brussels)
2025-04-01 09:00 (CET)
Soort functie
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Over de werkgever

The Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) is internationally recognized for research and teaching quality in many different fields of expert...

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