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The DSMZ is one of the largest biological resource centers worldwide. Its collections currently comprise almost 40,000 items, including about 20,000 different bacterial and 5,000 fungal strains, 700 human and animal cell lines, 800 plant cell lines, 1,000 plant viruses and antisera, and 4,800 different types of bacterial genomic DNA. All biological materials accepted in the DSMZ collection are subject to extensive quality control and physiological and molecular characterization by ourcentral services. In addition, DSMZ provides an extensive documentation and detailed diagnostic information on the biological materials. The unprecedented diversity and quality management of its bioresources render the DSMZ an internationally reknown supplier for science, diagnostic laboratories, national reference centers, as well as industrial partners.
The trans-sectoral research of the DSMZ focuses on (1) microbial diversity and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms (genome evolution, population genetics), (2) improved methods for the access and ex situ preservation of biodiversity, as well as (3) molecular mechanisms of biological interactions (symbioses, mechanisms of disease, cancer).
DSMZ maintains specific expertise and offers counseling in the areas