POSTECH is Korea’s first research university, established in a period when Korea was still chasing after advanced technologies of developed nations. It was founded on the belief that Korea needed a university that can spearhead the global science and technology.
POSTECH has been a university that constantly pioneered change and innovation in higher education. We boldly introduced an advanced education system that only a small elite university can implement and nurtured young talent essential to society. In research, we led technological innovation demanded by the times with superb research results.
As a result, we have overcome the disadvantages of our brief history, and being located in a non-English speaking country and a non-capital city to become the representative university in both Korea and Asia in just a short time.
However, the current environment surrounding our university is quite challenging. But this crisis is but a dangerous turning point and an opportunity. I am confident that we will overcome and grow through it with the ‘power of together’ which has enabled progress over the years.
To this end, I would like to share with you the objectives we will be pursuing.
First is educational innovation that students demand.
Second is research innovation that the industry and the future require.
Third is university management innovation that today’s POSTECH demands.
POSTECH’s founding tenets bid us to ultimately serve the nation and humanity through education and research. Continuing our tradition of excellence, I will do my utmost to lead our university into a global research university that will brighten the future of Korea.