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Södertörn University

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Over de werkgever

About Södertörn University

Södertörn University provides high quality research and education at all levels, offering a friendly atmosphere and an inspiring environment. Our modern, attractive campus is located in Flemingsberg, 18 minutes from central Stockholm on the commuter train.

Södertörn University combines interesting subjects to make engaging and often unique degrees. We offer 350 courses and 60 programmes, and currently have 13 000 enrolled students. We conduct education and research in the humanities, social sciences, technology and natural science. We also offer teacher education with an intercultural profile. Research into the Baltic region and Eastern Europe forms a knowledge environment that is among the best in the world.

Meer vacatures bij deze werkgever

Vacatures weergeven in Engels, Duits, Frans, Nederlands Instellingen wijzigen

Locatie werkgever

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