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Université de Lorraine

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Over de werkgever

Université de Lorraine promotes innovation through the dialogue of knowledge, taking advantage of the variety and strength of its scientific fields, and aiming at the promotion of knowledge transfer to irrigate innovation and economic growth as well as the progress of fundamental science.

Being the university of a whole region, Université de Lorraine is a major actor of its economic and social development, building on intercultural and intergeneration links, coordinating a regional research policy, and giving access to higher education to as many inhabitants as possible.

Université de Lorraine offers curricula in all fields of knowledge: sciences, health, technology, engineering sciences, human and social sciences, law, economy, management, arts, literature and language. A specific focus is given to crossovers between fields and skills, to help students develop their own pathway.

Université de Lorraine proposes a large spectrum of international activities

  • Ingoing and outgoing student exchanges (about 1.500 of our students spend at least one semester abroad during their studies, 15% of our students started their studies in one among  approximately 100 foreign countries)
  • Shared diplomas with other universities: around 60 joint diplomas, including 7 Erasmus Mundus master programmes
  • Research collaborations:
    • Numerous joint PhDs: 11% of our PhDs are shared with a foreign university;
    • Joint groups or labs with foreign universities.
    • Nearly 30% of our publications are co-signed with scientists from other countries.
  • Mobility of students, of PhD students and post-docs, of faculty members and administrative staff, to consolidate our international integration. The University has an active policy for encouraging outgoing mobility, and to facilitate and simplify the welcome of incoming persons.

Beyond this general openness, our international strategy builds on 3 gradual levels

  • Having border with 3 other countries, it is quite natural that Lorraine is involved in the buildup of cross-border relationships within the Greater Region (Luxembourg, French- and German-speaking parts of Belgium, Lorraine, German Länder of Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland). Université de Lorraine is a major player in this construction, through numerous bilateral collaborations with the universities of these regions, but also through its active role in developing the University of the Greater Region, where it is associated with the Universities of Saarland, Trier, Kaiserslautern, Luxembourg, and Liège.
  • Université de Lorraine intends to progressively build up ties with a network of European universities sharing its major orientations: interdisciplinarity and dialogue of knowledge fields, within universities covering a broad scientific spectrum, but with a structuring orientation around engineering, taken in a broad sense.
  • Whereas we have numerous international partnerships throughout the world, some sites have the potential of focusing several collaborations, in research and in teaching, on a broad set of disciplines. Université de Lorraine wishes to emphasize its partnership with these sites, by structuring its collaborations within recognized and strongly supported entities. This is first and foremost true for the French-German cooperation, for which Université de Lorraine has established a specific French-German Center for Lorraine, (CFALOR). This kind of partnership has also been established in Morocco, in Kazakhstan and in China (especially in Wuhan), and the aim is to focus on around 10 sites or regions in the world.

Locatie werkgever

Vergelijkbare werkgevers

Télécom Paris Frankrijk 16 vacatures
MINES Saint-Étienne Frankrijk 12 vacatures
Aix-Marseille Université Frankrijk 12 vacatures
IMT Atlantique Frankrijk 8 vacatures
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Grenoble, Frankrijk 7 vacatures
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