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University of Borås

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Over de werkgever

The University of Borås is a modern university with six departments. We manage educations in Library and Information Studies, Business and Informatics, Fashion and Textile Studies, Behavioural and Education Sciences, Engineering and Health Sciences. The campus is located in the centre of the city and we have 13 820 students and 690 employees. Several of our educations can only be found here with us and this attracts students from all over Sweden. The University of Borås has the front edge on several exciting research projects, among other things ‘Smart textiles’ which is a preferential research area in the region. Cloth which changes colours when the mobile phone rings, garments which measure muscular frequency and curtains which become lights in the dark are just a few examples. Furthermore, our students get jobs unusually fast. The fact is that the University of Borås year after year is placed in the top when the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education investigates the employment situation. We keep what we promise. Science for Profession. University of Borås is a member of the European University Association (EUA). EUA represents and supports higher education institutions in 46 countries, providing them with a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies.

Locatie werkgever

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