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MINES Saint-Étienne

Diverse locaties Saint-Étienne, Frankrijk
Gardanne, Frankrijk
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Over de werkgever

Since the mid 18th century, French engineering schools have been spearheading the nation’s economic development, and social progress. École des Mines de Saint-Étienne is France’s oldest elite engineering school outside Paris, and the fifth oldest among France’s 250 « Grandes Écoles ». The school is one among a family of seven “National Schools of Mines” created between 1783 and 1992. The history of the school is all about “value exploration and value mining”. No wonder that the old mine safety lamp (patented by a school alumnus, Jean-Baptiste Marsaut, class of 1850, is still today the school’s symbol: all what we do is about discovery and enlightening! The school has a very strong patrimonial asset, and is part of the French education and industrial heritage. But in no way is the school haunted by nostalgic memories. It has always been at the forefront of engineering education and innovations.

The school “trademark” has been recently illustrated by the foundation of two new, fast developing research units exploring the frontiers between engineering and life sciences: the Health and Engineering center, and the department of Bioelectronics. Institut Mines-Télécom: set-up of the first group of engineering and business schools in France. The creation of the Institut Mines-Télécom on 1st March 2012, made official by the decree of 28th February 2012, brings the Mines Schools and Institut Télécom Schools together to form the first group of engineering and business schools in France, making it a key player in higher education, research and innovation.

Teaching, Research, Innovation: the new institute’s 3 key missions In terms of Teaching, the Institut Mines-Télécom offers new opportunities for students in terms of mobility but also double degrees, particularly for engineers/managers, facilitated by the presence of Télécom Business School. This group has thus a higher international profile in order to develop partnerships with top-ranking academic institutions.

In terms of Research and Innovation, the researchers at Institut Mines-Télécom cover a large spectrum of knowledge in engineering, digital technology, economic and social sciences and in management. By combining its assets, the Institute has established itself in its disciplines and areas of application for academic and industrial partners at national, as well as European and international, levels.

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IÉSEG School of Management Rijsel, Frankrijk 6 vacatures
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