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University of Helsinki

Diverse locaties Helsinki, Finland
Oslo, Noorwegen
Umeå, Zweden
Website bezoeken

Over de werkgever

The University of Helsinki is a motivating, multicultural community with a broad range of international connections and approximately 80 cooperation agreements with universities on different continents. The expertise of our researchers is highly sought-after in international academic communities, conferences and publications. We are fully established among the top 100 research universities in the world and we are determined to maintain our position and improve it further. University of Helsinki is a member of LERU, the League of European Research Universities.


Founded in 1640, the University of Helsinki today is a vivid, international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. We are Finland’s most important provider of research infrastructures and a significant institution on the European scale. The university allocates considerable resources (funding, staff, facilities) to its research infrastructures every year. We seek solutions for global challenges and create new ways of thinking for the best of humanity.


Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a vibrant seaside city of beautiful islands and great green parks. It is inhabited by approdimately 0.6 million people and offers a great deal of design, architecture, culture, shopping and restaurants. Helsinki’s public transportation system is highly efficient although the central city is easily explored on foot, too. The greater capital area consists of the cities of Espoo, Helsinki, Kaunianen and Vantaa and has some 1.1 million residents and a multitude of opportunities for good living, working and enjoying life in Finland.

Meer vacatures bij deze werkgever

Vacatures weergeven in Engels, Duits, Frans, Nederlands Instellingen wijzigen

Locatie werkgever

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University of Jyväskylä Finland 12 vacatures
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