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The Business Informatics research group is situated within the Department Quantitative Methods of the Faculty of Business Economics. In addition, the research group is part of Digital Future Lab, the interdisciplinary research center of UHasselt with a focus on digitization and AI. The research of the Business Informatics research group aims to support companies and organizations in their decision making. Current research within the research group is structured around three research themes, namely (i) Audit Analytics, (ii) Event Data Analytics, and (iii) Process Analytics in Healthcare.
With this vacancy, the Business Informatics research group wishes to further expand its expertise. This is possible both from a focus on a specific application domain or broadly from a foundation of Business Informatics, such as Business Process Management, Information Systems, Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery, and Business Intelligence, among others.
In its vision, the research group pursues a composition in which each professor has its own expertise within the domain of Business Informatics. At the same time, it is expected that the new expertise is complementary to the existing expertises and that a strong commitment is made to collaborations between the various members of the research group and, by extension, the Department Quantitative Methods.
Education task
You will participate in Business Informatics courses in various programs (bachelor/master) of the Faculty of Business Economics and in the further development of the programs Business Informatics and Master of Management, as well as the specialization Data Science for Business. You are expected to fully support and help realize the educational vision of the university, faculty and programs.
As a member of the Department Quantitative Methods, you are also expected to contribute, if necessary, to the broader teaching assignment of the department in order to safeguard the balance in terms of teaching workload.
Research mission
You will strengthen the research of the Business Informatics research group and, as the lead, build a new research cell around a unique and complementary theme. This can start either from a specific business economic domain or from a Business Informatics foundation.
You develop your own research identity within the research group and broaden the existing research of the research group. At the same time, we also expect you to connect with the research group's existing research lines, particularly the research around Audit Analytics, Event Data Analytics, and Process Analytics in Healthcare, so that you pursue complementarity and collaboration.
In addition, we expect you to support the vision of the Business Informatics research group with a clear focus on business economics and strengthen the group by developing a research cell that gains national and international recognition within the Business Informatics research community.
You publish in leading academic journals, write project proposals, actively build an academic and professional network, and successfully supervise doctoral students to the completion of their PhD.
Two types of appointments are possible according to your profile and experience: (1) A full-time position in the grade of lecturer, in temporary employment in the tenure track system for a duration of five years. This period culminates in an immediate permanent appointment to the rank of associate professor, if the Board of Directors of the University evaluates favorably the performance of the person concerned on the basis of predetermined and disclosed evaluation criteria. (2) A full-time position in the degree of lecturer or associate professor, which in principle gives rise to a permanent appointment. The Board of Directors may, in the case of a first appointment as a member of the ZAP, proceed to a temporary appointment for a term not exceeding three years. This period culminates in a permanent appointment if the Board of Directors evaluates the performance of the person concerned favorably.
Selection procedure
You can only apply online up to and including 15 March 2025.
The selection procedure consists of a preselection based on application file, an introductory interview and an in-depth interview (with assignment).
An assessment center can be added to the selection procedure. An intermediate selection is made at each stage of the procedure. Please submit your application file in English.
Further information
Prof. dr. Benoit DEPAIRE, +32-11-269148,
Prof. dr. Mieke JANS, +32-11-268652,
Prof. dr. Niels MARTIN, +32-11-268639,
For questions about the selection procedure, please email
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