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Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Full-time academic position in public international law

2025-03-31 (Europe/Brussels)
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Over de werkgever

As a multicultural university with one third of students and researchers from abroad, international relations is a daily reality for the ULB.

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Job description

The full-time Academic Position in Public International Law aims to recruit a teacher and researcher in the field of Public International Law. To a certain extent, the research profile recruited should complement that of the lecturers already active in the field at the Faculty, and if possible be distinct from them (see:

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research within International Law Centre of the ULB Faculty of Law and Criminologyto teach Master's courses on several campuses, and to take part in the organisation and management of the Faculty.

Main Research Field : Public International Law

Sub Research Field : /

Required educational level: Phd Degree in Public International Law 

Required Languages :

Français : excellent

English : excellent

Interested ?

For more information, please contact Dean Prof. Pierre Klein (email:

Your application must include a Curriculum Vitae (if you wish, a standard CV can be downloaded from the website: ) and a document completed using the template available at this URL address: (

They must include the following :

  • A letter of application and motivation;
  • A thesis report written by the jury after the defense (if available);
  • Three publications explaining the candidate's profile, and a note justifying the choice of these three publications and their contribution to the fields connected to the position ;
  • A text of no more than 6 pages describing the past research activities (2 pages) and the current research project (4 pages) ;
  • A text of no more than 4 pages reporting any previous teaching activities and describing the teaching project for the courses included in the position ;
  • A text of no more than 4 pages describing the international achievements and projects, relating to research, teaching or any other professional activity relevant to the position ;
  • The names and contact e-mail addresses of five referees who may be contacted for evaluating the applications, with due regard to gender balance. These persons may not be in conflict of interest.

Incomplete applications or applications that do not use the template provided will not be examined by the selection committee.

Appointment in the ULB academic personel is at the rank of “chargé de cours” (lecturer). Upon appointment, members of the academic staff are authorised to use the honorific title of professor.

Where to go to apply?

Click here: 

For any connection problems or questions about our application, consult our FAQ : e-recrut-mode-d-emploi-candidat-en-_1734942996246-pdf

Equal opportunities policy

ULB's personnel management policy is geared towards diversity and equal opportunities.

We recruit candidates on the basis of their skills, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, etc.

Would you like to be provided with reasonable accommodation in the selection procedure because of a disability, disorder, or illness?  Please contact Marie Botty, the person in charge of diversity aspects for the academic and scientific staff ( Be assured of the confidentiality of this information.

More details on the ULB gender and diversity policy are available at

You will find all the regulations relating to academic careers on our site at

Reference : 2025/A051

Application deadline : 03/03/2025 

Start date: 01/10/2025

Informatie over de vacature

Full-time academic position in public international law
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50 Brussel, België
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2025-03-31 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2025-03-31 23:59 (CET)
Baan opslaan

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Over de werkgever

As a multicultural university with one third of students and researchers from abroad, international relations is a daily reality for the ULB.

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