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Diverse locaties Leuven, België
Gent, België
Antwerpen, België
Ås, België
Brussel (Etterbeek), België
Cambridge, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Diepenbeek, België
Website bezoeken

Over de werkgever

imec is the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The combination of our widely acclaimed leadership in microchip technology and profound software and ICT expertise is what makes us unique. By leveraging our world-class infrastructure and local and global ecosystem of partners across a multitude of industries, we create groundbreaking innovation in application domains such as healthcare, smart cities and mobility, logistics and manufacturing, and energy.

  • Access to world-leading R&D in nano-electronics and digital technologies
  • Extend your R&D base
  • Leverage scientific knowledge
  • Global partnerships
  • Achieve industry-relevant solution
  • Imec headquarters is based in the internationally acclaimed knowledge region Leuven where imec plays a key role in Leuven Mindgate, the business cluster designed to boost economic growth through collaboration and innovation at the crossroads of Health, High-Tech and Creativity.

As a trusted partner for companies, start-ups and universities we bring together close to 3,500 brilliant minds from over 70 nationalities. Imec is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium and also has distributed R&D groups at a number of Flemish universities, in the Netherlands, Taiwan, USA, China, and offices in India and Japan. In 2015, imec's revenue (P&L) totaled 415 million euro and of iMinds which is integrated in imec as of September 21, 2016 52 million euro. Further information on imec can be found at

Imec is a registered trademark for the activities of IMEC International (a legal entity set up under Belgian law as a "stichting van openbaar nut”), imec Belgium (IMEC vzw supported by the Flemish Government), imec the Netherlands (Stichting IMEC Nederland, part of Holst Centre which is supported by the Dutch Government), imec Taiwan (IMEC Taiwan Co.) and imec China (IMEC Microelectronics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.) and imec India (Imec India Private Limited), imec Florida (IMEC USA nanoelectronics design center).

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